The Multiple Intelligences Test Result
The Multiple Intelligences Test - Six Kinds of Smart
One, you're smartest when it comes to personal intelligence Being asked life's big questions like, "Who am I?" and "Why am I here?" would have most people running for the hills but not you. In fact, you might even relish sitting down to chat about it these quandaries in-depth. That's what personal intelligence is all about: the ability and willingness to reflect.
As one who is more introspective than most, you seem to enjoy opportunities to get to know yourself. Whether you're testing your values, learning more about your likes and dislikes, or simply sitting in quiet contemplation, you seem to like spending time on you.
In many ways, having strong personal intelligence signifies how fearless you are. You're not afraid to take that close look into the mirror and see who's looking back. Self-knowledge can only benefit you as you move through life's challenges, be they professional or personal ones.
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